jgnat: Although you say "why spend so much energy on that person"... it's because she can turn people against me. I told my boss (after a year and a half) how this girl would make me cry, etc, etc... I had nightmares. (I had probation of 9 months before becoming permanent)
One week, when my coworker said "I notice you haven't been getting so much done" I replied: "I am working every minute." but then, because I have this "need" & then I 'remember'... "Oh, yeah, our new person hasn't been filing in the back of these forms (I did tell her that I would so that our team and process c/go faster) and I have been filling them in for her, and it takes a while."
Now, at the beginning of my employment here, if I didn't have an 'x' in a box, or a check mark in a box (versus a line thru it) I would have hell to pay "
Why didnl't you do that, you are not being complete" Well my "co" likes the new girl, and DID NOT SAY ANYTHING to her about it, she just 'filled it in for her'... So when my 'co' replied, 'yeah, i have noticed that too, do you want me to say something to her about it?" I said (naively) 'if you want to'l
The next week, I come back to work, the new girl is treating me totally different, before she was friendly, talkative, etc. My boss spoke to me verrrrry strictly business.... I finally got an inkling of what happened when new girl said, 'i don't want any trouble, I will just do my job, I don't want to involve the boss, no problem, i will stay after work, i don't want people saying I don't finish my stuff... (something my co w/threaten me with in an indirect way "I don't want to say anything to the boss about this, but....)
My boss finally says to me "It seems to me. cha ching, you are just like the person you described!" "You do the same thing"
Lately, the health and information dept has arranged for "communication" classes once a month... My problem is that my co & I are basically an isolated 'team' (use the word lightly) and no one can see what happens but her and I.
In one day, she had people who liked me looking at me as if i was evil. Alot like the WT, ambient abuse.